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Austin Camilleri

Austin Camilleri is a freelance visual artist working simultaneously and non-hierarchically in installation, painting, drawing, video and sculpture. 

Drawing mainly on Western art history, popular culture and power image traditions, he explores the tension between the material and the digital, the personal and public, by layering techniques and modalities. 

Camilleri was born into a family of artists. He studied at the University of Malta and at the Accademia Pietro Vannucci in Perugia, after being awarded a four-year scholarship in 1991. He is the founder of 356, founding member of stART, Fundazzjoni Klula, and is a visiting lecturer at the Faculty of Built Environment, University of Malta. 

He has also designed books, campaigns, awards, as well as stage sets for operas, theatre and dance pieces. 

He has exhibited in the Venice Biennale, Ostrale Biennale in Dresden, the Mediterranean Biennale in Tunis, ArtRaker Biennale in Valletta, Biennale for Young Artists in Rome and in Art Knows no Frontiers in Trier.

His works have been shown at the Kalmar Konstmuseum in Kalmar, at the WTC in Stockholm, Sweden; at the Anchorage Museum of Art, Alaska and the UN Building and SAI Gallery in New York, USA, at the Visual Arts Gallery in New Delhi, India, at the BOZAR, at Centrale Electrique, Musee Botanique and Place Fontainas in Brussels, Belgium; the Museum of Contemporary Art, Cluj-Napoca, Romania; at the Henderson Center in Beijing, China; Apollonia in Strasbourg, Galerie GNG in Paris and Fondation Villa Datris in L’Isle sur la Sorgue, France; Palais Liechtenstein in Feldkirch, Austria; the Vatican Museum and in Macro Ex-Mattatoio in Rome,Villa Barbaro di Maser, and at the Museo Archeologico complex, Lipari, Museo Civico in Nichelino, Biblioteca Universitaria, Torino, Biblioteca Nazionale in Rome and in Cosenza, Italy; St.James Palace in London, UK; the Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland; at Inguat, Guatemala City, Guatemala; in Grote Kerk  and in NEST, the Hague, Holland; Chiesa Santa Chiara, Republic of San Marino; at Beith Shemesh, Jerusalem, Isreal; at Palais Kherredine in Tunis and Palais Abdelliya in Marsa, Tunisia; at the Munchen Kunstelerhaus in Munich, Galerie Bagnato and Kulturzentrum in Konstanz, Germany;  in Watergate, Rijeka2020, Croatia; at ACVIC, Centro de Artis Contemporaneas, Vic, Barcellona; the National Museum of Fine Arts, Maritime Museum, Museum of Archeology, Il-Hagar Museum, Spazju Kreattiv and Malta Contemporary Art Foundation in Malta.

Camilleri curated a number of contemporary shows and worked with choreographers, musicians, authors and theatre practitioners in many collaborative projects.

His work has been published in books and publications internationally and found in public spaces, public, corporate and private collections worldwide.

Born is 1972, he lives in Gozo and works between Malta and Italy.

Photo credit: Austin Camilleri


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