Trasportazzjoni b’xejn għal Malta għal kull ordni ’l fuq minn €50.
It-trasportazzjoni għal Għawdex isir permezz ta’ kurrier.
Klijenti mill-UE biss jistgħu jagħmlu ordnijiet.
Iż-żmien ta’ pproċessar tat-trasportazzjoni
Jekk jogħġbok irritorna l-oġġetti tiegħek fuq dan l-indirizz:
‘Ospizio Complex’,
Bieb Il-Pulverista,
Triq Joseph J Mangion,
il-Furjana FRN1830
Operational Programme I – European Structural and Investment Funds 2014-2020 “Fostering a competitive and sustainable economy to meet our challenges”. Project may be part-financed by the European Regional Development Fund Co-financing rate: 80% European Union Funds; 20% National Funds.
Operational Programme I – European Structural and Investment Funds 2014-2020 “Fostering a competitive and sustainable economy to meet our challenges”. Project may be part-financed by the European Regional Development Fund Co-financing rate: 80% European Union Funds; 20% National Funds.
© Malta International Contemporary Art Space 2023