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Exomind, 2017. Concrete cast with wax hive, bee colony, orange tree (Daidai), plum tree (Tobiume descendant), plants, sand, stones, calico cat, ants, spider, butterfly, concrete pond with waterlilies (Giverny descendants), axolotl and insects. Photo credit: Ichikawa and Kei Maeda. Courtesy of the artist; Taro Nasu, Tokyo; The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo; and the Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine.
Ambassador Of Culture For Malta And MICAS Board Member Francis Sultana Speaks About MICAS’s Upcoming Fundraising Event: Honey

People ask me, does Malta need a new art space like MICAS? The answer is always easy and it is absolutely YES.  The expression of art, design and our country’s relationship with culture, is a reflection of not only how Malta perceives itself, but it also holds up a mirror to how the rest of the world sees Malta.
There is a confident mood within Malta. We are firmly on the international map.  Having a flexible and well-considered space for contemporary art that is proactively networked and sits at the heart of the international arts scene, will further nurture this sense of national pride.

At MICAS we have been lucky to have already aligned ourselves with some of the world’s great art institutions. This year we are delighted to collaborate with the Serpentine Galleries, one of the UK’s most cutting-edge cultural spaces. However developing a major contemporary art space like MICAS, together with a dynamic multi-strand programme, that includes educational and community centred initiatives together with large scale international exhibitions, requires money and investment.

Hosting major fund-raising events is therefore essential, not only in attracting the funding required to boost programming and to ensure we deliver with the best possible outcome for MICAS, but also to help showcase Malta to the best curators in the world.  When we open in 2022, we will have already established the MICAS ethos and intention firmly within the international art scene and therefore, will be able to attract the world’s best artists to our island.

Francis Sultana portrait by Chris Floyd.

Our next fund-raising event, the ‘HONEY’ ART PARTY is scheduled for this October. It will be part of a series of exciting events over the weekend centred around the work of Pierre Huyghe’s, happening in collaboration  with the Serpentine Galleries, of which I am delighted to be co-chair of its  social committee. For the work Exomind (Deep Water) Pierre Huyghe has merged a blind crouching figure made from concrete with a live beehive that will now form part of the ecosystem in Wied il-Luq, Buskett, happily pollinating the surrounding flora. This wonderful concept, has in turn inspired the theme of the fundraising party which is being organised with Immersive Cult.
During the weekend we will launch Huyghes’ work with a series of talks chaired by Hans Ulrich Obrist and Rebecca Lewin from the Serpentine Galleries. Following the piece created for MICAS by Ugo Rondinone last year, we are delighted that an artist of Huyghe’s standing has agreed to showcase this incredible work in Malta for MICAS.
Establishing this annual weekend of events in October is part of our mission. As well as raising crucial funding, it also offers an incredible platform for us to invite globally renowned artists like Huyghe and Rondinone, and the world’s major art patrons and curators, to come to Malta, often for the first time, and to see the breadth of talent and creative energy we have here. It is a strong push for internationalisation through cultural relations that places Malta firmly on the
international contemporary art calendar.
MICAS is being established to inspire the next generation of Maltese artists to dream of a global stage where their work will one day be on show.  It is my role as Ambassador of Culture for Malta and MICAS Board Member to champion Malta internationally but to also encourage our own talent to have the confidence to shine.  Supporting the arts is truly rewarding and I highly recommend it! 
We hope you will be able to join us during the MICAS International Art Weekend.


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