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Cristiano De Lorenzo

Born in Rome in 1974, Cristiano De Lorenzo graduated in History of Art from La Sapienza University. His diverse career path has led him from the showbusiness (stage and costume design), to museums (Palazzo Barberini), private institutions (Fondazione Alda Fendi), editorial activity (Storia dell’Arte, Case da Abitare, Elle Decor, etc.), as well to university teaching, holding seminars on the history of contemporary architecture at the Rome state university.

Cristiano’s career in the auction business began at Christie’s London ten years ago when he joined the European public relations department. Subsequently, he moved to Hong Kong where he spent three years running the Asian Chairman’s Office. Two years ago, he moved to Milan becoming the Managing Director of the Italian branch of the renowned auction house.

Passionate about all forms of art, architecture, design and literature, he now fulfils a corporate role within the secondary art market and often ascends a Christie’s rostrum for charity auctions in collaboration with various non-profit organisations.


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