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Flora Katz

Flora Katz is an art critic, curator, and PHD student at Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Her research revolves around Speculative Realism philosophies and contemporary art, with a  focus on Pierre Huyghe’s practice. She has curated projects such as Nothing Belongs to Us:To Offer (Fondation Ricard, 2017), the Paris’ three years edition Editathon Art+Feminisms (Lafayette Anticipations, 2015-17), Odradek (Instants Chavirés, 2015). Recent publications include: « Penser l’extinction avec Pierre Huyghe », Vivre dans un monde abimé, R.Noël et M. Macé, Critique, 2019 ; Breath the Future, Dora Budor (CURA magazine, 2019) ; « Pierre Huyghe, Ian Cheng, spéculation et stratégies de décentrement », (La genèse du transcendantal, A. Longo et J. Lageira, 2017.

Photo courtesy of Flora Katz.


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